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Gunther Rall autograph

Lot #910 in Auction #2246, SKU: 0000200395

This item appeared in our autograph auction and bidding has ended.

Gunther Rall autograph
(1918-2009) Rall served on the Eastern and Western fronts, rising to the rank of major and commanding fighter groups and entire squadrons. He finished World War II as the third-highest-scoring fighter ace of all time with 275 aerial victories. His final assignment was in the defense of the Reich itself. This item is a 3.5x5 card. , SKU: 0000200395
High Bid: $25.00
# Bids: 1
Bidder Bid Bid Date
25401 $25.00 10/27/2024 8:21:00 PM
History does not include multiple bids by the same bidder.
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