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Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix autograph

Lot #424 in Auction #1956, SKU: 0000083038

This item appeared in our autograph auction and bidding has ended.

Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix autograph
(2007) This item has a great scene of 'Dolores Umbridge' from 'Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix', professionally double matted with an In Person signature of Imelda Staunton. The overall size is 11x14 and it is ready to frame. , SKU: 0000083038
High Bid: $30.00
# Bids: 1
Bidder Bid Bid Date
67958 $30.00 7/24/2022 3:00:00 AM
History does not include multiple bids by the same bidder.
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