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Cameron Diaz autograph

Lot #297 in Auction #1906, SKU: 0000053603

This item appeared in our autograph auction and bidding has ended.

Cameron Diaz autograph
Actress who starred in 'There's Something About Mary', 'Gangs of New York' and all the 'Shrek' films. This item has an In Person signature, professionally double matted with two different sexy color portraits. The overall size is 14x18 and it is ready to frame. She is a RARE autograph. , SKU: 0000053603
High Bid: $95.00
# Bids: 1
Bidder Bid Bid Date
69366 $95.00 3/3/2022 6:59:00 PM
History does not include multiple bids by the same bidder.
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